We received an email with a link to this video from Amigos for Christ. Allen and I helped them install the solar water pumping system for this village in Nicaragua earlier this year. At that time they were still in the process of laying the pipe to get the water to the villagers. They have finished the job and this is the result..... it's absolutely beautiful! I am so blessed to be allowed to even contribute to such moments. God is AWESOME !! Photos from this mission are here: Mission # 11 - Nicaragua - March 2012
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The November Honduras flights have now been booked. Allen and I will be there from Nov 13th through the 24th. The team, including my wonderful husband Sutton :D, will join us from Nov 17th to the 24th. Allen and I are going early to prep for the mission, do a site survey for another project, go to a few meetings, and hopefully do a quick repair trip. Yes that means we will all be there during Thanksgiving, which personally I think is fitting. There is much to be thankful for in Honduras :)
Ok. Hopefully I will get the other photos for this trip and be able to post an album soon. Unfortunately there won't be many since neither Allen or I had much time for taking photos. And yes, I know I still need to post pics for the Mexico trip. There I have the opposite problem. We had several photographers on that mission and I have a couple thousand photos to go through ....... I also need to do the expense reports and get out thank you cards to my sponsors. It is my goal to get all this done before the next mission ... which is in less than 3 weeks. Oh yea, and I also need to raise funds for the next mission. Sooo pray for me :D
Please pray for Hudson and Lucy Hess. They have been missionaries in Haiti for 48 years and are looking to retire. They have been asking the Lord to send someone to take-up the work in Cap Haitian so they can go home permanently with peace. Pray that the Lord will strengthen them and guide them in His timing. Pray that they would have rest and the peace that passes all understanding. Pray that He would send more workers to reap the harvest in Haiti. And while you're at it, please pray for all the missionaries there. Haiti is a very difficult place to live and work as a missionary. They all need God's strength, patience, and wisdom for His work in ministering to the people of Haiti. Pray that God's glory be revealed in the mighty name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen :D Thank you !!
The Haiti mission went well. We spent most of the time at the home of Hudson and Lucy Hess near Cap Haitian. They work for an organization called Family Life Outreach Ministries, or FLO. We installed a solar water pumping system at their compound in 2010. This time we installed a solar power system for the compound itself. For many years they would only have power when they ran their generator which was for one hour in the morning and three hours in the evening. Now they have access to generator free power 24/7 :)
The last couple days we spent in Gressier visiting with HHM (Haiti Health Ministries) and TG (Touch Global). We had installed solar systems at both locations earlier this year. This time we were hoping to install an internet bridge thing at HHM to allow the monitoring system to display information on the internet. That way we could monitor their system from the States. However, neither Allen or I know anything about networking systems and we were not able to get the bridge programed correctly. We will try again when we are back in the area which will probably be next January. There are a couple orphanages and schools in the Gressier area that are looking to install solar very soon. We did at least get the bridge installed and wired. We also did some of the preliminary work for those other groups. And we enjoyed the excellent company of friends in ministry. I got home at about 1 in the morning. If felt WONDERFUL to sleep next to my hubby in my own bed. I woke to cool temps (I think the AC is going, yes in Houston we still run the AC in late October), showered with hot water, brushed my teeth with tap water, flushed toilet paper, and I'm now drinking a cup of coffee without having to constantly check it for flying bugs ... yes it's those little things in life that I often miss most.
Ok so it's the 20th and Allen and I are still in Haiti. We had a little... ok a big, hiccup in Cap Haitian. When we unpacked the equipment we found that the inverter was for 110 V and 50 Hz .... which will not work in Haiti. We had ordered the correct part, but somehow they shipped something else. I couldn't even find the part number in any of my parts lists. I called the company and they said it was an inverter for Japan .......... someone made a big mistake.
We made a few phone calls and they immediately shipped out the correct inverter, which is a 65 lb part. They couldn't get it to Haiti, but they did overnight it to a missions shipper we had connections with in Florida. They were able to get the part on the next flight and got it to us on Thursday. Of course it had to go through customs again, even though it was a replacement part. But God was good and the fee was very reasonable. We got the inverter installed and the system is up and running :D Originally we were booked to fly home on Friday and we still had another site to visit. So we decided to extend the trip a few days if it meant we could get the Cap Haitian system installed. Once we knew the part was going to make the Thursday flight we changed our return flight to next Monday. We are now in Gressier for some small adjusts to the system we installed here earlier this year and to do some other site surveys. So we will be home late Monday night. Allen and I arrived in Miami. We are going to Haiti in the morning. One score for Miami ... there is a Honduran restaurant right next to our hotel by the airport. Awesome baleadas!! :D
Check this page for mission trip updates
April 2015