The mission to the Dominican Republic was fantastic. We completed the solar install for Freedom International in less than two days!! Course we had an excellent team with John Foster, Mike Cochren, Jacob Lucia, Ryan Lucia, and of course Allen and myself :D We spent the rest of the week helping their electrician wire the building. We also got to go out to one of the bateyes, villages, to visit the kids in their own community. I’d have to say that was the highlight of the trip. The kids really enjoyed playing soccer with Mike and climbing around on the rest of us. :) I posted the mission photo album here, or you can just go to the Photos tab. I can’t take credit for any of the photos though as I didn’t take a single one. But that’s why God provided awesome people with some serious camera skills :D
We have another mission !! We are going to the Dominican Republic, a new country for SLP :D We will be there from this Saturday till the 27th. I leave tomorrow as I have an overnight in Miami both ways. We will be working with an organization called Freedom International Ministries. They work in the sugarcane villages of the DR. Their focus is on church planting and running a Christian bilingual school near the city of Ramon Santana. We will be installing 4.5kW of solar power with a team from five different cities in three different countries. Should be an interesting and fun trip. Keep us in your prayers please! Also, if you would like to keep up with this mission you can visit FIM's Facebook page at the following link: They said they will upload pictures every day :)
Check this page for mission trip updates
April 2015